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Software Testing

bigstock_Young_man_working_absorbed_on__14507066-1-300x199Software Quality Assurance involves a number of processes aiming to test quality of your product. The testing process is designed to eliminate errors in the software, especially those concerning integrity and security of information.
Ordering software testing from our company, you protect yourself and your clients from possible failures in the future. Depending on the product, we will develop and offer you a dedicated testing strategy which best applies to your product.

Depending on the problem we are ready to offer you a range of the following services:
  • Functional testing
  • Configuration testing
  • Performance testing
  • Load testing
  • Usability testing
We also offer several options for cooperation:
  • One-time testing of the existing modules or programs.
  • Testing as a part of the development lifecycle including design (construction of the optimal testing process and documenting it
  • Periodical testing (e.g.at the end of a certain phase of development, before the release of the next version, due to significant changes in product functionality or user interface). For this option, we will use previously created documents and materials related to the project, thereby significantly reducing customer costs