Database Development
USS Company offers services for the development of databases as part of INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT process.
Our clients receive a full range of services:
- Preliminary analysis of the data and structure. This includes determination of the ability to use existing solutions, their modernization and integration with the developed solution. We also determine the plan and the cost of database development.
- Development of technical specifications. This includes determination of all requirements to the developing database, development of hardware architecture, software platform selection, the refinement of details on operations such as logic model restructuring, oldest data migration, permissions distribution, etc.
- Database design. This results in creation of the database conceptual model, as well as its logical and physical models.
- Database structure implementation and introduction of necessary adjustment. . This step provides opportunities for the refinement structure analysis based on the results of the initial stage of operation of the database.
- Support. We carry out post-deployment maintenance of servers and user support.
We also offer the possibility of gradual database development which includes providing the client with the prototype and accumulating data on database in the process.