Portfolio – Software Testing
Funny portal for kids
SMESHARIKY is the unique complex project for kids and teenagers in Russia that serves all kinds of youngsters. It covers toys, celebrations, cartoons, innovative school books, books for kids and educational computing games.
Software development company
Development of custom software for companies in North America and Europe. Design and implementation of advanced corporate solutions (ERP, CRM, HRM, etc), and websites for workflow management, e-commerce, linguistics, e-learning, and other industries. Development of “classical” applications such as: programs for desktops and PC workstations, client-server applications, and database management solutions.
Tools for marketing analysis websites
OneStopMarketing.com was created by a group of professional marketing and IT specialists to offer consumers a single, easy-to-use website for small to medium-sized business owners.
Educational E-Library
This educational electronic library contains tens of thousands of electronic school books, guides, scientific publications and educational editions including high school ones.
Universal e-payment instrument
This service provides a universal payment tool for both individuals and business in Russia.